When we eat, the body converts food into sugar for use in providing us with the required energy. If you are sick with sugar, the body is not able to use this sugar for energy and sugar goes directly into the bloodstream. This is the reason for the high level of sugar in the blood of diabetic patients.
And the accumulation of sugars in the blood over the years have serious implications for human health and fall ill with diseases such as blindness and foot problems and kidney. So the doctor would prefer to always check the level of sugar in the blood at the beginning of the medical examination. Perhaps the exercise and eating foods low in fat and sugar to refrain from eating the best way to reduce the level of sugar in the blood and prevent these health problems that we have mentioned. Also, refrain from eating sugary foods protect your family from the incidence of these diseases as well.
It should also move away from refined white sugar. As it contains sugar to glucose and fructose (as in fruit sugar) and lactose (in milk), sucrose (found in table sugar) and maltose (located in the rice and honey), jam (which contains the juice center rich in sugar fruit), do not overlook never deceptive organic brown sugar that is not less dangerous than white sugar. Even alcohol containing sugars.
All these different types of sugar have serious effects on human health. The following is a list of banned foods rich in sugars. If I really wanted to lose weight, you need to stop immediately the sugar and the experience of this advices never
1 - white flour
Consist of a grain of wheat from the full three layers:
- Bran bran
- The seed germ
- Endosperm endosperm
The bran contains most of the fiber and a cover which protects the fragile seed. While the seed embryo is rich in nutrients and which becomes a new plant when planting. The most bean endosperm (83%) which makes up most of the nucleus and is composed mainly of starch.
White flour contains only the endosperm, while the normal flour (brown) contains all parts of the grain. Long ago it used to be a slow grinding using mills, while the grinding is fast and uses high temperature and rapid mixing. And the output is mainly starch, and this process causes the rapid loss of most of the material useful pill. Although some useful items remain after milling except that the addition of a chemical (pool chlorine - chlorine dioxide) caused bleaching of flour and work as a cause of aging.
The result from the bleaching process secondary materials, including Aloluxan alloxan, a substance lead to diabetes, according to experiments conducted on animals, this compound is capable of secreting a large amount of free radicals that kill beta cells in the pancreas, which prevents the secretion of insulin and sugar control.
Not study the effect of the presence of Aloluxan on humans, especially in the long run, so it remains to assess the risk depends on your personal opinion. Despite the clear results on animals, but the Food and Drug Administration FDA continues to allow food manufacturers to carry out treatment lead to toxic substances as long as you do not get cases of the death of a clear or serious side effects or did not object to people severely. The argument can not be sure that this article caused such a case because the number of components of the food is too large.
So try Reduce your consumption of foods made from white flour such as cakes, pasta, pancakes, etc. ...
2 - soda and carbonated drinks
The number of calories they contain soda or soft drinks or other beverages that you eat every day is very large. These drinks are rich in color and flavors of harmful industrial that do not have any nutritional value. Also, some beverages that are marked as "sugar-free soda" contain dangerous localities known as "aspartame." This material harmful to the brain and cause diabetes, mental unrest and harm the strong vision and lead to poor memory and heart palpitations and shortness of breath.
3 - French fries and donuts
French fries and donuts contain a large amount of carbohydrates. They are fried before they are a sugars. And when it is fried double the strength and diminished nutritional value. It could be argued that eating a piece of fried potatoes is equal in the strength of smoking a cigarette. As for the donut, they contain a large proportion of calories and some other nutrients.
4 - fingers alternative food rich in calories
The current speed in the world of the fingers are fast food alternative option to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. But remember that these fingers food rich in large quantities of sugar and opens your appetite because of sugary which drives you to eating more food throughout the day.
5 - cakes and sweets
These foods are rich in sugar and has no significant nutritional benefits, but most important here is that they contain monounsaturated fats harmful. You can replace these foods with fruits, cereals, dried almonds.
6 - ice cream and candy
Most ice creams on the market are made of chemicals and packaging containers are attractive to the attention of consumers and most of them unfit for human consumption. Valais commercial cream containing hydrogenated oils, corn syrup and fructose-rich powdered milk. The box containing ice cream to 18 teaspoons of sugar.
7 - clear
Perhaps you remember the slang phrase "There's always room to clear." But always remember that clearly contains a high proportion of carbohydrates and sugar.
8 - white sugar
Studies indicated that women consume sugar by more than was the case in the past. This sugar is consumed mostly in the white sugar is rich in calories and does not contain any nutrients. It must always be in moderation, eat white sugar. The situation is not much different with brown sugar. When it addresses the rights of the sugar is quickly digested, which generates the feeling one has the desire to eat more foods which cause the end of the day in the incidence of obesity.