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10 errors in cosmetic procedures are not talking about

Written By silvana on Thursday, February 16, 2012 | 11:27 AM

We've all heard ........ «horror» that follows to undergo plastic surgery, where he was subjected to some fatal blood clots, or heart attacks, but we never know about other errors that may occur in the plastic surgery, and be the result for a medical error. It is important today more than ever, knowledge of these side effects, given the growing number of people who decide to undergo cosmetic procedure. Here are some of the side effects of popular cosmetic surgery, which may Affect strongly.

The first error: bad scars
With respect to scars resulting from major operations, such as a tummy tuck and breast lift, it is believed by many to be a skill surgeon will determine how bad the scars after the operation. But it is linked to genetic factors of the Parents .the
Surgeon skilled cosmetic may close the wound exactly the same way for two different, and heal the scars last is significant, while this does not happen the other person. It is important to remember this before you undergo surgery, especially if your skin is dark and you have great pigmentation in the skin, which may make you more susceptible to post-operative scars.
The second error: not  enough Sure of  qualifications of the doctor enough

I believe you were in your annual doctor to take a biopsy of the uterus, and when you see the wall you will find that your gynecologist has been suspended by a declaration for the treatment of Botox. Imagine that you or your teeth clean the dentist and a board hanging on the wall for «remove fine lines caused by laughter Forever». Since when is interested gynecologist and dentist wrinkles? What is happening?
Here is breaking news: Ordinary doctors can perform the same surgery as cosmetic surgeons who have certificates. Any doctor may say that the surgeon (and their numbers are increasing because of financial incentives), but should not be the only surgical specialist in the cosmetic surgeon.
The third error: the emergence of new fat in the new areas after liposuction
A common misconception among people is that if the patient had liposuction of fat on one area of ​​the body, «move» fat to another area of ​​the body. This mistaken belief, fat does not move, and fat cells in your stomach will always be in your stomach, and fat cells in your thighs will always be in your thighs. When is liposuction surgeons in a particular area (such as the abdomen) removing a certain amount of fat cells in that region. But this means that if the patient has gained 15 pounds after liposuction, you will gain fat in areas not perform liposuction (such as the arms or thighs), because these areas will continue to retain 100% of the fatty cells.
The bottom line: If women gained weight after liposuction, fat gain is likely in the area were not suffering from fat in the past. In this context, does not seem to get rid of the abdomen to get the two arms full of a wonderful thing, is not it?
The fourth mistake: Chest terrifying gap
Top Hollywood star Tori Spelling is always the list of «the worst operations», which are spread on the Internet because of her breasts . And the reaction was natural to blame the doctor. However, according to specialists, the large gap between the breasts is not caused by the operation, but for the fact that the breast bone has a very wide range. While this is not clear when he was a small chest, but it became clear with the addition of large fillings over the chest muscles.
The bottom line: It is very common that women suffer from irregularity in the bones of the chest and the gap between the breasts, back to this four out of ten women who had undergone a breast augmentation, to the doctor after the procedure to change them.
Error V: you trust a mysterious medical resort
In a survey conducted by the American Academy of reconstructive surgery and facial cosmetic, it was found that a lot of doctors say they heard the resort of a medical director is not a medical one sees, does not attend to the place of work and does not even oversee the medical procedures. These operations are dangerous, if they are conducted by staff have not been trained well in the offices are not subject to regulation.
The bottom line: You may be  surgeons is liposuction on patients in these medical spas, this may lead to death. And gives the doctors in these resorts patients a local anesthetic instead of general anesthesia, while you can not leave without anesthesia in the clinic to be affiliated to a hospital. The patients are given an overdose because the pain becomes severe, Vemuton immediately as a result of respiratory problems.
Sixth error: lying about smoking
If you smoked, will not be the most cosmetic surgeons for you. People who smoke often have a lower content of oxygen in the blood. So when they make any kind of cosmetic procedures, which require the withdrawal or tensile strength, such as breast lift, or face, suffering from non-healing wounds, or skin turns to black.
Seventh error: do not tell your doctor about which supplements you take
Not realize a lot of women that dietary supplements may affect the way the body responds to the drug, and that the interaction between the bad medicine and supplements . Weight loss pills and incentives, that are purchased without a prescription such as metabolism boosters and fat-burning drugs, make the heart muscle irritated, and may cause cardiac arrest.
The bottom line: women usually do not tell the doctor before the operation for these supplements, because they do not know it is drugs, nearly all can be purchased without a prescription. This can be a fatal mistake.
Error VIII: price reduced
You have to beware when you see a significant reduction in the price. There is a reason why high-cost cosmetic surgery. And sometimes when the economic situation is difficult, surgeons may lower their costs for new patients. But if I heard about a significant reduction of prices of a surgeon, you have to ask yourself about the things you sacrifice for the surgery in this low price.
Error IX: lack of awareness of the risks «reform» bad surgery
Suppose you had an unsuccessful nose, or facelift so that it has become very tight, or the process of liposuction is not successful by a doctor provides a cheap price. The cost of repairing the bad of this process (which are not covered by insurance) to pay much more than a doctor qualified in the first place. The second process is likely to be more painful. And places the cosmetic surgeon, who reconciles the operation failed, in the eye of mind, a number of risks when accepting the procedure. It returns surgery on wounded tissue with the flow of bad blood, which become the basis reconstructive surgery advanced, which explains the high prices.
X Error: Allow the dentist (or gynecologist) makes Botox injections you
Women often underestimate injecting Botox and with other materials for injection, but the plastic surgeons agree that the facial injection properly requires a skilled surgeon and good coach. Botox and a doctor at the hands of women is not a good idea. Many of these doctors do not know the anatomy muscles of the face and facial expression. They take a period of a few days, and begin to inject patients, but it is more than just learning how to inject the needle.
Beware: If the product is injected very close to the eyeball, and the movement of product, it may affect the small muscles that control the concentration of the eyeball within the orbit bone. This may cause temporary blindness.
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